2024 OCS Conference, Geelong Victoria
The OCS held our first in-person, and largest ever, conference since 2018 in Geelong, Victoria from 3-5 April 2024. A total of 14 travel awards were provided to support student attendance at this conference.
2023 IPFC/ASFB Conference, Auckland New Zealand
The OCS was a sponsor for the 11th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference (IPFC) and Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Fish Biology held in Auckland, New Zealand from 20-24 November 2023. The OCS further provided travel awards to students to travel to the conference.
2020 OCS Virtual Conference
The OCS provided funding for two student prizes for our first virtual conference.
2019 OCS/NZMSS Conference, Dunedin New Zealand
The OCS provided funding for students to travel to the OCS/NZMSS conference to be held in Dunedin, New Zealand from 3-5 July 2019.
2018 OCS Conference, Moreton Bay Queensland
The OCS held a special event conference at the Moreton Bay Research Station from 21-23 February 2018.
The Save Our Seas Foundation generously supported OCS students by providing five travel grants of AUD$500 each to help students attend the meeting to present their work. In addition, the OCS is also offered 2 grants of AUD$200 each to help students attend the pre-conference workshop on telemetry.
Our long-term sponsor Passions of Paradise once again supported prizes of $500, which was awards to the students that delivered the best oral presentation and best conference poster.
2017 Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Tahiti
The OCS did not hold conference in 2017 and instead encouraged members to attend the 10th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, the region's largest ichthyology conference held once every four years. The 10th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference was held in Tahiti from 2-6 October 2017.
The OCS offered two Special Travel Awards for this event to support airfare travel to Tahiti.
One grant was to support a female student (honours, masters, or PhD) or Early Career Researcher (within five years of graduating from a postgraduate degree) to attend IPFC Session I1 Women in Marine Sciences in the Indo-Pacific.
One grant is to support a postgraduate student (honours, masters, or PhD) to attend IPFC Session D2 Indo-Pacific Predators: biology, ecology, conservation and management.
2016 OCS/ASFB Conference, Hobart Tasmania
The OCS held a conference in conjunction with the Australian Society of Fish Biology in Hobart, Tasmania from 5-8 September 2016.
The OCS awarded travel grants funded by the Save Our Seas Foundation and Passions of Paradise to attend the conference. The OCS also awarded four prizes for outstanding student posters and presentations.